
Parsis seek bank holiday for “Jamshedi Navroze”

557341-parsis1The online petition goes on to state: “We patriotic, peace loving Parsis, hold Mother India in high esteem and have never made any demands from the government.

The Parsi community in an online campaign has asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to declare Jamshedi Navroze, which falls on March 21, as bank holiday. The day is celebrated as a Persian New Year and besides Iran, a number of Central Asian countries observe a holiday on this date.

“We, the undersigned members of the minority Parsi Community, hereby request you to declare our very important festival – Jamshedi Navroze, which falls on 21st March each year, as a ‘Bank Holiday’. Modiji, Jamshedi Navroze happens to be the Spring Festival of Iran and marks the commencement of Spring – the Spring Equinox, 21st March, each year. This was the day when our King Jamshed was coronated and hence the name, Jamshedi Navroze.”

The online petition goes on to state: “We patriotic, peace loving Parsis, hold Mother India in high esteem and have never made any demands from the government. In fact, we are known to respect all religions and cultures; and also celebrate important Indian festivals. Nevertheless, it does pain us, when our festivals go unnoticed in our own country, where we are the most in number.

Pradhan Mantriji, we therefore request your goodself to consider the matter and declare 21st March, henceforth as a ‘Bank Holiday’.”

“Actually it is a universal festival when the day and night are same as per equinox. For Parsis in India, all minority communities have a holiday in national level. At least one holiday even we want,” said Viraf Kapadia, one of the signatories.

Published on DNA