
Dr. Percy Chibber Spreads Medical Awareness at the Indo-American Society

Published on Parsi Khabar

image_thumb-30Indo-American Society spreads medical awareness on a very common mid-age problem – Loss of Bladder control

Indo-American Society organized a Medical Seminar, inviting Urologist, Dr Percy Chibber as the Speaker on the topic, “Losing your bladder control- Find Solutions.”

The Convenors for the meeting were Dr G B Parulkar, Chairman, Medical Programs & Healthcare Subcommittee & an eminent Cardiovascular Surgeon and Dr Zinobia Madan, Special Invitee, Executive Committee & Healthcare entrepreneur & Founder- ClinOma Healthcare.

Loss of bladder control results in Urinary incontinence which is unintentional leakage of urine. Dr Chibber explained the various types of incontinence in a uniquely interesting manner by giving examples in each type. He explained further that urinary incontinence is more common in women than men, the most common causes in both sexes being weak or damaged bladder muscles, overactive bladder muscles, and certain prostate problems. Females generally suffering from bladder control problems do not seek medical help and avoid consulting the doctor.

For good bladder control, lifestyle tips such as intake of correct fluids, a diet rich in fibre to avoid constipation along with avoidance of alcohol, caffeine and carbonated or aerated drinks was advised. Weight control was also advised as one of the lifestyle measures, as body weight puts extra strain on the pelvic floor muscles.

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