
Striding in unison: Minorities share what makes them love Pakistan

It was the dawn of 1947 when the lives of millions changed. From being a minority to becoming a majority, many Muslims ultimately felt they had finally made it home.

Hindus, Christians, and Parsis among others are now known as the new ‘minority.’

After seven decades of co-existing, exchanging cultures, breeding love and fearing what is yet to come – together, if there’s one thing which keeps the grass greener on every side, it is the white. This independence day, here is what these impregnable, inspiring individuals have to say about what makes them love Pakistan and believe in the power of green and white in unison.

11. Byram D Avari (Social Head of the Parsi community, Owner Avari Hotels)
“In 1944 when my father bought the Bristol Hotel, it was requisitioned by the Provost-Marshall as an Indian could not run an English hotel. Today in Pakistan, we as a minority don’t experience any such discrimination.

The honour, the respect and the equality we as a Parsi minority enjoy with the majority community has today made us shine out because  Pakistan acknowledges the Parsi contribution.”


22. Deepak Perwani (Fashion Pioneer)
The first question I asked Deepak was what how he feels about belonging to the minority. The accomplished gentleman didn’t hold back for a second and said, “We are the majority, we’ve been here for hundreds of years. What minority?” He further added saying, “What’s there not to love about this country? I was born in a village in Mirpukhas. Just the smell, the people — everything about this country is so special to me. I don’t think I am a minority, we are the majority. We have been here for 500 years, things changed – unfortunately, but this soil means everything to me. It is home to me – it is my place.”


33. Joshinder Kaur Chaggar (Performing artist, dancer)
“Pakistan challenges me to be my best. To choose consciously to stay optimistic and see the beauty in things. Truly in Karachi, I am surrounded by warriors who push me to give more, to be more resilient and to love more.”




44. Almitra Mavalvala (Musician, Performing artist and Special effects make-up artist)
“I am of the staunch belief that if anyone wants to do something big, there is no better place than home. Karachi is and will always be home. And I am proud to call a place like this home because I feel the youth is working towards a better, brighter future and I’m optimistic enough to help promote the industry I am in and our country.”



55. Kristin Kanaria (Musician at Nescafe Basement)
“What I love most about Pakistan is that the people here are so hospitable and also because there’s so much raw, undiscovered talent here. You never know when you might come across someone with an incredibly diverse talent. And I hope that I’ll be able to use my God-given talent to one day make my country proud!”



66. Dilaira Dubash (Commissioning Editor- Express Tribune)
“Every time I read a story on the recent unrest in Kashmir, I consider myself privileged to have been born in a country that is independent. The fact that I can highlight minority issues in mainstream media or simply enjoy a cup of tea in the newsroom when the majority is fasting just seem so inconsequential after that. Freedom isn’t free and i’m just really grateful for it.”




77. Anthony Naveed (Special Assistant to CM Sindh for Inter-faith harmony affairs)
“Pakistan is my country, a place which has given me an identity. What I love most about my nation is that there are equal opportunities for all. A concrete example of that is how an ordinary worker like myself has been chosen to serve the people and represent them on behalf of my party.”



Published on Tribune