
HPY weaves its magic yet again! Organizes yet another intellectual exchange for the youth!

hpy-logoHPY, your beloved is back yet again and beckons the youth to benefit from the sumptuous interactive and intellectual platter.

HPY has once again put together a truly stimulating session on “Strategy and Planning”.

To ensure you can immediately put into practice everything you learn, the session will be in the form of a very interactive workshop. Like last time, the workshop will be conducted by Adil Malia, Group President, H.R., Essar.

Date: Saturday, November 7 and Sunday, November 8, 2015

Venue: Sir Cowasji Jehangir High School, (Primary section) Sir C.J. Colony, Tardeo.

Timing: 10.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

To book your seat, please call or sms or send in a whatsapp to the following:
9819342162 – Huzan Forbes (Grant Road)
9619065846 – Azmin Mistry Vania (Mahim/Bandra)
9987704201 – Ayesha Mehta (Dadar,Parel,Byculla)
You could also register online at
And yes, make sure you don’t delay. There are only 30 seats up for grabs this time since we want to personalise this as much as possible.

See you soon!
Team HPY