
BPP Chairman Armaity Tirandaz replies to the misinformation being spread by Noshir Dadrawala & Kersi Randeria in the Parsi Times of Oct 23, 2021.

Dear Noshir

Apart from the line where you have thanked the staff of the BPP, I state that all statements made by yourself are factually incorrect and are entirely your opinions. With regards to the resolution that was passed by myself and Viraf as majority, that you and Kersi keep referring to as illegal, are your views on the matter and not fact.

I have no objection to your views on any matter, but to continually bombard this as a statement of fact in the public domain is in very poor light. If in-fact this was an illegal resolution then it would have been prudent of yourself and Kersi to move the courts to address your concerns.

Please note that I do not condone your Hunger Fast in any kind of situation. You have precipitated an uncalled for precedent for the BPP in the future. Again I would like to state that this was a high handed manner in which you and Kersi tried to pressure me into making a decision in your favor.

I was glad that it was over when we signed the consent terms in our last meeting and also decided that we would not attack each other in the public domain. I have received numerous calls today from well-wishers stating that the Parsi Times has carried two articles, one from yourself and one from Kersi, which go on to state that I have committed illegal acts as a Chairman Trustee. Please note I have not read the Parsi Times nor wish to do so ever. Your statements are your own views and beliefs and that does not make them facts. I wish to deny all charges and allegations you and Kersi have claimed against me in this matter and hope that you will desist from making such claims in the future. This kind of propaganda can only create further divide and disharmony. I do not understand your reasons for your allegations in the Parsi Times articles. Referring to your email below, there was no question of righting of any “wrong doings”, it was a compromise on the part of all Trustees by which we arrived at an amicable solution.

As a woman and a senior citizen I would like to frankly state that I had a compassionate view towards your Hunger Fast and was keen to see it end and dissipate the situation. I am again glad that we have arrived at a common resolution unanimously and amicably.

