
Tata Parsi School celebrate 181st birth anniversary of Jamsetji Tata

‘Wealth came to him in full measure, but he remained to the last what he was in nature, a simple modest gentleman, seeking neither title nor place, and loving with love that knew no bounds the land that gave him birth.’ — Sir Lawrence Jenkins (Chief Justice of Bombay High Court, 1905) These words summarize the essence of a great industrialist and a philanthropist first Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata. Jamsetji was born on March 3, 1839 in a small town of Navsari in Gujarat to a family of Parsi priests- a child who was to father a revolution- an industrial revolution, to which he provided sinews of steel. He cherished a vision of an India powered by education.
Tata-Parsi-School“Lift up the best and the most gifted so as to make them of greatest service to the country,” he said. And so the J N Tata Endowment came into being in 1892. March 3, 2020 is the 181st birth anniversary of Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, the founding father of J N Tata Parsi Girls’ High School, Nagpur. The day will begin with the garlanding of the portrait of J N Tata, followed by speeches at 4.30 pm. A Gujarati song specially composed for the occasion will be sung by the tiny tots. A skit on J N Tata will be presented. The students will be given a treat to celebrate the occasion.
A ‘jashan’ (thanks-giving prayer) will also be held in the evening. Prayers by the Parsi priest will be followed by distribution of fruits, maleedo and sumptuous evening refreshments for all present. The Managing Trustee of the school is Dr Thrity Patel, other trustees include Diana R Hormusjee, Edul F Bhagwagar, H D Malesra (based at Mumbai from Tata Trusts), Aspi Bapuna. Secondary and Junior College Principal Shanoor K Mirza, Primary Head Mistress A Salam, teaching and non-teaching staff will remain present along with past Parsi students, former Principals and teachers and other dignitaries will be present for the celebrations. All members of the J N Tata Parsi Girls’ High School and Junior College, Nagpur are proud to be blessed by ‘a giant among men’ Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata. Dr Thrity Patel, Managing Trustee of the school told ‘The Hitavada’, “The legacy of bygone past through 100 years by featuring the path breaking work acclaimed by the school institutionalises a new era in the field of academic study as initiated by the Founders of J N Tata Parsi Girls’ High School.”
“Our Institution for ages followed and still harmonizes to nurture the young minds by leveraging them right culture and environments for learning with opportunity for development. These values ultimately will bring about inventions and discovery by our future prospectus of our school,” said Dr Patel with proud feeling.
“My reverence and gratitude to the Founders and Trustees of the Institutions have had untiringly strived for the Institution to foster and competitively excel nearly five generations of pupils for our society by rendering teachings, inculcating values, ethos and deemed strategy by building the team cohesively by preserving culture and traditions of our ancient heritage. It is for more than three decades still I serve as one of the Trustees of this Institution, I have from the inception of my trusteeship endeavour to pattern myself on this concept with willingness to integrate with younger men and women with new ideas based on modern technology,” stated Dr Patel.