
Videos and Photos from the amazing ZAGNY Fundraiser – Jamva Chaloji 2016

adiZAGNY just had it’s famous “Jamva Chaloji” Event. We were not able to make it from Boston, but I feel it deserves to be shared on this blog. Jamva Chaloji literally means “Come Eat Please” – what a generous and warm welcoming set of words to say and hear anytime. Of couse at $100 a pop this was an event not for the faint hearted, but all for a good cause for the newly opened Dar-E-Mehr in Pomona, NY.

Here are some highlights of the event:

  • My favorite Adi Tamboli and the Star Spangled Banner song at ZAGNY’s Jamva Chaloji.
  • Adi Tamboli on the keyboard and Fali Shroff on the vocals
  • Chaiye Hame Zarathosti ….. A unique musical composition by Adi Tamboli.
Next the amazing Malcolm Cooper regales the crowd at the Jamva Chaloji Gala Function ! — at Darbe Mehr Zoroastrian Temple.
sali pf

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